In 1995, a mascot, Crazy Craving, was introduced as a wild-haired, marsupial-like cartoon character who rabidly craves Honeycomb cereal and whom children in the commercials transform into. Its catch-phrase was "Me Want Honeycomb". The name Crazy Craving means that the character is the anthropomorphism of hunger.
At first, Crazy craving started off as his own character and would often appear when the kids started hungering for Honeycomb (he'd emerge zipping around from one of the children's stomachs), but over time any kid in the commercials that started getting hungry for Honeycomb would then turn into Crazy Craving.
His hair is usually a golden blonde color but can vary depending on what kid he originates from. Also his skin tone started out brownish orange along with yellow sneakers; this also changed to fit each respective kid's skin color and footwear he originated from by 1999.
The craver is normally depicted with a deeper manic but clearly masculine voice but there are times where the craver has a higher and squeaky pitch when originating from a girl (though at least two occasions this has not been the case, as shown in the museum and video game spots).
Despite being described as crazy, he is shown to be really good at using technology as he uses an egg beater in an attempt to make strawberry Honeycomb flavor.
Not only can he originate from any kids he can also originate from any adult as he is shown to originate from a British royal guard plus professional basketball player Penny Hardaway.